The Pen is mightier…some would say…

Articles, features and other work

Richard and Ash have written articles for a wide range of different publications including;

Active Traveler Magazine

Adventure Travel Magazine

Bike Magic

Bushcraft and Survival Magazine (Editor)

Canoe Focus

Huffington Post

National Geographic Kids Magazine

Ouse Valley Magazine

Outdoor Adventure Guide (Feature Writer)

Outdoor Swimming Magazine

Outdoor Times

Paddler Magazine (Sub Editor)

RNLI magazine 'Offshore'

Resettlement Magazine (MOD) (Guest Editor)

Times and Citizen


Rich has also worked with many national tabloids and broadsheets as well as national and international TV and radio whilst managing the Ghana Ski Team such as NY Times, Globe and Mail, Sun, Daily Mail, Times, MTV, CNN Today Show, etc

Examples of his writing and work are visible on the smug mug gallery digitally or maybe available on request.

More recent articles and writing are available as samples in PDF format and are available from Drop box.

Their latest work has been producing a Paddling Guidebook for a major publisher